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The SimSkills faculty development program, developed and presented by eSIM, is divided into beginner, novice, intermediate, and advanced skill sets akin to the runs on a ski hill. Whether you are a beginner with a curiosity for simulation or advancing in your practice with hopes of black diamond expertise in debriefing, eSIM has a course to support your growth. Implementing a "train-the-trainer" model, eSIM ensures that the SimSkills course series is standardized across the province, as well as accessible both to urban and rural educators. This is accomplished by a combination of online webinar and podcast sessions, as well as in-person learning with support of ongoing mentorship.

If you are interested in learning more about the SimSkills program, please Contact Us.

Building Our Simulation Community

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SimSkills Beginner: Introduction to Healthcare Simulation

eSIM Grand Rounds

eSIM Grand Rounds are an educational opportunity offered to the broader simulation community. These sessions, offered virtually, include invited expertise shared by simulation consultants and experts in the field coming together for a unique opportunity to share learnings and discuss hot topics in simulation.


Click Here to access recordings of our previous eSIM Grand Rounds sessions.


Contact us to be added to the invite list for future Grand Rounds sessions.

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